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This reminds me of the love I have for [american] college football- the ritual of tailgaiting and going to Williams Brice Stadium in SC to watch our state school play (loudest stadium in college ball! the structure will move when it's full and people get rowdy enough, ie always), the camaraderie and family atmosphere and the fact that USC are, like Norwich appears to be, chronic underdogs- which has its' own sort of masochistic appeal, especially when you're post that "once-in-a-lifetime" coach. One of my promises to myself is that, if the delta variant isn't raging by the time the season starts, I'm buying a ticket and going to whatever games I can, because I really, really miss that environment. Sports are such a pure social experience, I can't wait to be able to go back post-pandemic and experience the full, intensified range of human emotions and late night, post-game beer binges with other people again in a way that you seemingly only can over a game. Wishing you (and your team) the best from the US!

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