what’s tiny mammal kingdom?
tiny mammal kingdom is a collection of writing about the media I love, in any medium and ranging from an individual episode of TV to an artist’s whole discography. My aim is for every article to be accessible to someone who doesn’t already know about what I’m writing about, so it can introduce you to something new. I’m also interested, though, in just teasing through why I have so much invested in these things, working through the actual reasons I love them.
why subscribe?
If you subscribe (for free!) to this here newsletter, you’ll get posts straight from me to your inbox two to three times a fortnight, including fortnightly interviews with someone else about a piece of media they love. I hope this writing can both act as an introduction for things you might not have heard of and be an interesting deep dive into media you already know and love.
who even am I?
tiny mammal kingdom is written by Ellie (aka @dykespraxic, twitter’s #1 David Byrne lesbian truther), a trans, neurodivergent lesbian currently studying for an MA in gender and queer studies in the UK.